Slut-stick Not a Yes, 2015
Silk, lace, elastic, nylon, metal clips, wood
305 x 132 x 66 cm
2021 "16 nipples in the afternoon", Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam, NL
Poles with arrayed lingerie and other textiles, the "Slut-Sticks" take a new form as static sculptures within formal gallery space. Inspired by the SlutWalk movement’s protest marches, the sticks are created for Schnitger’s ongoing performance procession Suffragette City. On the occasion, Schnitger and groups of volunteers march in different cities around the world, caring Slutsticks, quilts and sculptures. Echoing on historical feminist’s philosophies, Sufragette City and its “Slut-Sticks” directly engage with politics and render feminism largely accessible.