Untitled, 2018
oil on canvas
80 cm x 190 cm
2018 - Summer Groupshow, Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam, NL
Throughout her oeuvre Klein explores the relationship between reality and representation. Working from photographs taken and developed by herself, Klein creates paintings that depict abstracted landscapes and deserted, impersonal architectural spaces. Through painting, she approaches her experience of the captured image, even including ‘mistakes‘ formed during the development process. As such the paintings question how we hold on to our view of the world surrounding us, when this process is mediated by equipment such as cameras.
This question seems all the more relevant in light of the rise of social media that have popularised the sharing and taking of photographs. These streams of photographs present a vision of the world that is often heavily edited through digital colour filters. Referencing these filters, Klein layers colour over her photographed visions. These distortions, often the result of chance occurrences in the development process of the photographs, make for compelling landscapes that seem both alien and familiar.