Paper folded to the far right, inclined to the left, 2018
Cork wire from champagne bottle stretched, 2018
The impossibility of the white to be black and the black to be white, 2018
Same paper, 2018
Sneak a peek (previous title 'Peephole') , 2018
The soap and the spring flirt, while someone else is making a transaction in the black market, 2018
Some greys, red lines and a blue rectangle, 2018
Houses without People, people without houses, 2018
Radio and Brick, 2015
Untitled (Plinth), 2014
Torn Jeans (Pantalones rotos), 2013
Dos zapatos y dos medias (Two shoes and two socks), 2012
Fake Pine Branch on Fake Pine Floor, 2012
Pan con pan (Bread with Bread), 2011
Crocodile tears, 2011
The more you add, the less you see, 2011
Montaña con rio, 2011
Amarrado a la pata de la mesa II, 2011
Pecera sin pez, 2011
Veneno y Antidoto, 2011
Uncertain future, 2011
Poison and Antidote, 2011
Dust magnified by a diamond, 2011
Dust magnified by a diamond, 2011