The Bakery displays drawings of Ellen Berkenblit (1958) and sculptures of Chris Caccamise (1975) both from New York. Ellen Berkenblit's drawings are charming and girlish; showing at the same time a kind of emptiness owing to the two-dimensional, predominantly static reproduction. This emptiness is enhanced by the blank expression of the woman in almost all drawings. She is always shown in profile and in some works even repeatedly, making them look like visions from a dream. With only a few lines Ellen manages to create intriguing images, like in a daydream.
Besides these drawings, there are sculptures of Chris Caccamise. The material he uses is cardboard, finished with several layers of bright high-gloss enamel paint. The shining objects have been inspired by popular culture, with a wink to the American 'self-fulfilling prophecy'. The comic strip reproduction and the cheerful use of colors make the sculptures look like toys. Childlike innocence and pipe dreams go hand in hand with neurosis and fear of failure.
Ellen Berkenblit & Chris Caccamise
Past exhibition