Annet Gelink gallery proudly presents the fifth solo exhibition of Australian artist Glenn Sorensen (1968, Sydney). Sorensen is living and working in Åhus in Sweden. His work has been shown in amongst others Rooseum Center for Contemporary Art in Malmo, The Nordic Watercolour Museum in Skarham, The Royal Academy of Arts in London and on a regular basis in galleries in Copenhagen, London, Munich, New York, Naples.
The "Masonite Loop" exhibition displays a group of paintings that have been realised together: one painting led to another, a compliment to the previous painting or a direct reaction in every respect to the previous painting. The manner in which the works have been hung - as a sequence - emphasises the mutual coherence. It is clear that the paintings originate from the same hand and place and are about the same issues, it also shows that that there are many ways to approach the same subject. The notion "style" is problematic to Sorensen, he finds it difficult to approach painting each day in the same way.
A number of subjects frequently return in the series of works he exhibits like flowers, a building, children, a mother and child, sometime even in exact the same composition but with a different use of colour and light. His rendering of flowers sometimes looks like Asian cuttings with very clear contrasts, or rather transparent and volatile. Whatever the picture represents is very secondary, but does not alter the fact that Sorensen's paintings radiate an irresistible intimacy and sensibility.