Set up in London in 2002 by Beatriz López (1975), Sebastián Ramírez, and Pablo León de la Barra (1972), 24/7 functions as an international, independent, mobile and mutant no-budget gallery without a permanent physical space. 24/7's mission is to exhibit whatever, whenever, wherever and is specially committed to showing artists and propositions with less visibility within the London context, while operating outside of the predictable habits of the art world. 24/7 started as a project interested in producing and exhibiting the work of young contemporary Latin American artists whose work questioned the conventional truisms of cultural production from the region. 24/7 is no longer interested in any regional or geographical representation, but in creating its own constellation-map of the world, working with artists who share a similar agenda to its own. For its exhibition at the Bakery, 24/7 will act as a parasite on the vital organs of Annet Gelink Gallery. The Bakery will be occupied as 24/7's Storage Room, including the 24/7 Collection, where everything belonging to 24/7 will be on display and for sale. This will range from commissions to donated artworks, documentation, memorabilia, souvenirs and leftovers of the produced shows. The profits of the sales of the Collection will be destined to further support 24/7's work. If unsuccessful in obtaining further funds, 24/7 will disintegrate and its members will pursue their own solo careers.
24/7: Alcanzar una strella bakery, 24 January - 28 February 2004
Past exhibition