AWOISKA VAN DER MOLEN at the Noorderlicht International Photo Festival, Groningen

On the occasion of the Noordlicht International Photo Festival, from August 7 to October 3, 2021, the exhibition '(Un)earth' by Awoiska van der Molen and Bart Lunenburg will be on show in the Camera bioscoop in Groningen. Commissioned by Noorderlicht International Photo Festival and BPD Cultuurfonds to respond to the consequences of the 60 years of gas extraction in the province of Groningen causing earthquakes. 


In the exhibition, Van der Molen presents an installation of images that she made in the province of Groningen, where she was born and raised. The artist wants to give an homage to the power, silence and solace provided by the Groninger nature.


For more information, click here.

August 7, 2021 - October 3, 2021